"BIRDIE WING," the world's first girl golf anime from Bandai Namco Pictures, has captivated fans globally with its unique art, animation, and storyline. Following the success of two BIRDIE WING Worlds, VIVERSE, part of the anime's production committee, seized a new opportunity to enhance your entertainment. In partnership with WOWWOW Technology, we co-created the exciting golf motion Switch game, "BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-," released in June.
In appreciation of our devoted fans, we're excited to reveal a limited-time offer: Starting today, enjoy a 30% discount on "BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-!" along with the free new game update. Don't miss the chance to explore our paid DLC characters, "Rose" and "Vipère," available for purchase on December 25th in the Americas. For additional details, please refer to the information provided below.
Limited-time offer: Get a 30% discount on the digital Nintendo Switch game “BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-” now priced at USD$13.99. Offer valid from today until January 10th, 2024 in both America and Europe.
*Ending times for promotional offers vary by region. Make sure to check local time zones and refer to the information on the Nintendo eShop page for accurate details.
Free Update Hits Today! Experience Fresh Gameplay with New Character Lily
Gear up for an exhilarating year-end treat as exciting new game content is released today! Enjoy a free update featuring:
[Free Mode]
Introducing the new "Sudden Death Mode," players could experience the difference with regular stroke play. Engage in intense one-on-one BIRDIE WING gameplay, battling NPCs or players until a ball sinks. Following the release of the Sudden Death Mode, the "Catherine’s Underground Golf Course" scene powered by cutting-edge technology is unveiled, bringing players a more fascinating experience with random holes.
In "Stroke Play Mode," enjoy VR golf courses, the main characters, Eve and Aoi's VR outfit that recreate their signature style in the original animation.
Meet the mischievous ball girl, Lily, in Free Mode. Players get to bring chaos with unique pranking skills.
[Story Mode]
Dive deeper into the captivating storyline of the Nafrece episode from the original animation with the addition of five new stages.
Introducing the long-awaited Paid DLC Villain Duo, Rose and Vipère, now available for our fans!
Prepare for the arrival of your beloved villain duo, Rose, the formidable golfer, and Vipère, the acclaimed "Grim Reaper" of underground golf, as they make their debut worldwide. We are thrilled to announce that the paid DLC characters are now available in Asia and the Americas! Keep an eye out for availability in your area coming soon!
Players can utilize characters' traits for strategy, spice up the game by interrupting others, and delve deeper into the BIRDIE WING world.
*The release time of DLC varies by region. Make sure to check local time zones and refer to the information on the Nintendo eShop page for accurate details.
** We recommend refraining from purchasing DLC from cross-regions to safeguard your rights.
[Switch Game Information]
Title: BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Genre: Role-Playing / Sport
Supported subtitles: Japanese / English / Traditional Chinese
Pricing: original price: USD $19.99, sale price: USD$13.99 (tax included) *digital version only
No. of players: 1-4
IARC Rating: 3+, ESRB Rating: E
Purchase link: https://htcvive.co/3GYagnw (If the URL doesn’t work, don't worry! Simply visit your local Nintendo eShop and search for "BIRDIE WING -Golf Girls' Story-" to make your purchase.)
[DLC product information]
DLC set underground pack (including Rose and Vipère)
Price: USD $ 9.5 (tax included)
Purchase link: https://htcvive.co/3RzYaWu
Price: USD $ 5.5 (tax included)
Purchase link: https://htcvive.co/47dhv5D
Price: USD $ 5.5 (tax included)
Purchase link: https://htcvive.co/48xkaIe
*Disclaimer: The pricing information provided is contingent upon the regional offerings within the Nintendo eShop platform and may be subject to variations based on geographic locations.
For the latest information and more details on "BIRDIE WING," please visit: